Brendel Mátyás
Personal Data
Date of birth: 1972.11.06.
Place of birth: Merseburg, NDK, Sachsen-Anhalt
Current workplace: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Institute of Automation and Computer Technology,
Research interest: Content Based Image Retrieval
1987 — 1991
Secondary School Lovassi László, Veszprém
1991 — 1996
University of Veszprém, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Information Technology, diploma
1997 — 2000, (2005)
Technical University of Budapest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ph.D. program: Neuromorph Information Technologies. Topic: plasticity of Cellular Neural Networks. Degree obtained in 2005.
Professional Practice
1996 — 1997 Sysdata Ltd. - Siemens AG., Budapest - Vienna
1997 — 2000 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Institute of Automation and Computer Technology, Budapest
2000 — 2002 Mindmaker Ltd., Budapest
2002 — 2003 Integrated e-Solutions Ltd, Finland
2004 — 2006 Tieto-X Ltd. (former VegaTechnologies Ltd.), Nokia, Oulu
2007 — 2008 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Institute of Automation and Computer Technology, Budapest
2009 — National Center for Scientific Research, Computer Sciences Laboratory for Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, Orsay
Intermediate level of English and German.
List of most important publications
Thomas Deselaers, Allan Hanbury, Ville Viitaniemi, András Bencúr, Mátyás Brendel, Bálint Daróczy, Hugo Jair Escalante Balderas, Theo Gevers, Carlos Arturo Hernández Gracidas, Steven C. H. Hoi, Jorma Laaksonen, Mingjing Li, Heidy Marisol Marin Castro, Hermann Ney, Xiaoguang Rui, Nicu Sebe, Julian Stöttinger, Lei Wu: "Overview of the ImageCLEF 2007 Object Retrieval Task" , in Working Notes of the 2007 CLEF Workshop, 2007.
András Benczúr, István Bíró, Mátyás Brendel, Károly Csalogány, Bálint Daróczy, Dávid Siklósi: "Cross-modal Retrieval by Text and Image Feature Biclustering", in Working Notes of the 2007 CLEF Workshop, 2007.
M. Brendel, T. Roska, "Adaptive image sensing and enhancement using the cellular neural network universal machine", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 30, pp. 287-312, 2002.
M. Brendel, T. Roska and Gusztáv Bártfai, " Gradient computation of continuous-time Cellular Neural/Nonlinear Networks with linear templates via the CNN Universal Machine", Neural Processing Letters, vol. 16, pp. 111-120, 2002.
M. Brendel, F. Friedler, L.T. Fan, "Combinatorial foundation for logical formulation in process network synthesis", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 24, pp. 1859-1864, 2000.
M. Brendel, T. Roska, "Adaptive Image Sensing and enhancement using Adaptive Cellular Neural Network Universal Machine", Proceedings of IEEE Int. Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and Their Applications, (CNNA'2000), pp. 93-98, Catania, 0-7803-6344-2, 2000.